Make sense of your business

Data from Business Equipment and Intelligent Video (AI) can revolutionize the way you do business

Ethical Facial Recognition

Ethical Facial Recognition delivering private KYC
information to assist in delivering better business

  • ‘Know Your Customer’ data to guide a business owner to better assist their customer

  • Locally processed encrypted neutralized face data with no personal stored

  • Create your own categories eg. customer service, workplace compliance, staff and contractor management, elderly assist, VIP…

  • Video and snapshots are automatically deleted at the end of a fixed retention period

Ethical Facial Recognition

Ethical Facial Recognition delivering private KYC information to assist in delivering better business outcomes

  • Data Driven – cras volutpat odio ac sapien faucibus auctor

  • Results Orientated – Sed consequat odio quis dictum

  • Research Led – Nam ac pharetra nibh. Nullam eu magna sit

Ut convallis, magna sed dapibus tincidunt, nulla lacus sollicitudin nisi, id commodo urna urna in elit. Nunc vulputate tincidunt risus non volutpat. Nulla tristique urna at risus egestas.

XVR: Video and Data Management

Video Management Software integrated with Video AI and business platforms to increase business profitability and efficiency

XVR: Video and Data Management

VMS, Designed for the SMB market with pre-configured AI apps natively integrated to cloud based BI dashboards and event systems with the aim of increasing business profitability and efficiency

  • AI Integrated: CCTV

  • Metadata
  • Video
  • Deep learning VCA
  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud Native
  • Open Platform

AI Business Management Toolbox

Retail Intelligence

Gathering valuable information across multiple data points to improve business efficiency

Retail Intelligence

Gathering valuable information across multiple data points to improve business efficiency

Security AI

Integrated cloud enabled Security hardware to quickly make sense of a situation

Customers using our solutions